Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tweak response #3

After introducing his girlfriend to heroine and she overdoses and has to go to the hospital, her parents find out about the overdose. Having overcome drug problems in the past and been sober this relapse really scared her parents. They tell her that she must go see a drug counselour and go to rehab. Originally Nic was going to go with her to the rehab and they were going to become sober together. Nic talks to his friend from L.A. who talks him into coming back there becuase he has an apartment there. Nic realises that going to rehab with his girlfriend would be bad for bothhem becuase they won't be able to get sober together. That's becuase when they are together they both make each other want to use. Nic, with his last $300 goes to the airport and gets a plane to L.A. wehre he got picked up by his friend. His friends name is Spencer who used to also use and became sober. He tells Nic that he is going to take him to rehab meetings where people talk about their journy to becoming sober. Even right after he goes through the worst of the withdrawl symptoms he still thinks a lot about the drugs that he left behind. It seeems to me that he will relapse atleast one more time in the future. This is scary becuase he talks in the book about how if he did relapse too soon then he would just die of overdosing.

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