Monday, January 10, 2011

Tweak response #2

After Nic starts dealing meth with his dealer he realizes some of the dangers of dealing. One time a customer didn't give him enough money so he went back and had to threaten him before getting his money. That could've been any crazy meth head who isn't afraid to stab or kill someone and he could've been the victim of that. Another problem that comes up is he is using more than he is selling, has an expensive heroine addiction, hasto pay for his girlfriends and friends drugs and other expenses prove costly. During this time he also introduces heroine to his girlsfriend. After about a week of her using it she overdoses and almost dies. This shows the dangers of the types of drugs that they were using every day. A combination of this, him running out of all of his savings, and other things he decides to become sober he leaves his girlfriend who was getting ready to go to rehab and goes back to where he lived when he was sober a month before. It had only been a day and he was going through terrible withdrawl symptoms. This is one reason why  a lot of people don't quit drugs and other people don't realize their danger. Not only do they need to have the will to quit the one thing they feel they need to survive, but also they need to have the will power to get through the withdrawl symptoms from the drugs.

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