Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tweak post 4

After going back to L.A. to live in his old apartment and receive help from his old friend Spenecer, everything seems to go right for a while. He starts going to rehab meetings, succesfully gets through the withdrawl symptoms, gets a job that spencer offers him at a buety salon as a receptionist. As a part of the "12 step prgoram" which is the rehab program aimed at staying sober, a crucial and early step is accepting that a higher power has control over what happens to him and he needs to ask for guidence from that higher power. This has been a problem thorughout the book that nic just doesn't beleive in god. He truly doesn't, but with the help of Spencer and constantly trying to talk to god through prayer Nic eventually starts beleiving in him. He starts riding his bike a lot like he used to before he relapsed this last time. He rides very far almost every day and almost becomes an addiction or habit. He realizes that without the excersize in the morning the rest of the day he is too anxious and can't do anyhting as calmly. This is a much better addiction to have but shows me as the reader that he is not over addiction he just temporarily switched what he is addicted to. He meets up with some old friends from rehab at 12 step meeting and this proves to be good for him. He is back socializing which he didn't do for a while. However Spencer becomes very ill with spinal meningitis which could prove deadly. This is a test to Nic I beleive and I think if Spencer dies there is a good chance that Nic will go back to using. That's becuase Nic has completely turned his life around and stands for everyhting good in his life and his strength to get rid of his addiction. This past 50 pages really showed me how hard it really is to get off of drugs. Not only the physical pain but also getting a job is hard for a recovering drug addict and getting used to normal life again is a real struggel. Without the help of Spencer I hihgly doubt he would've completed becoming sober.


  1. One of the main cures for drug addiction is support. I agree with you that Nic probably would not have been able to get off his drug addiction if it were not for his friend Spencer. People try all the time to stop using drugs, but its the people who have friends and family who continuously push them to go back again and again to rehab to get better.

  2. In the last rehab he goes to which is the one that eventally kicks the habit a part of the rehabilitation process is having his family come in. They meet with therapists and talk about their relationship becuase the rehab place can assume that it isn't a healthy relationship. they end up putting all of their real feelings on the tablel and making a more hobest and stronger relationship. This a big part of what made the difference for him. Another intresting thing is that the person who made him relapse, zelda, his girlfriend everyone warned him not to go back to. Everyone but him seemed to know what would come out of him going back to her. when he realized that they have a toxic relationship thats when he started beleiving th at he could stay sober.
