Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Final Tweak post

Throughout the autobiography the author and main charecter talks about the issue of drug use in the United States. He underlines how rediculously popular these very dangerous drugs really are. There are litterally millions of people using and they are almost impossible to stay off of. Starting your life as an addict like Nic did just sets you up for failure for the rest of your life. He was a great student in high school getting a 4.0 GPA and got accepted to some great colleges. He even went to college for a couple of years however he was using almost the whole time he was at school. Becuase it was so far from his parents they had no idea that he was using and they couldn't do anything to stop him. While using the addict can't keep a job or be any use to society. Also, to quit the drugs is only one really hard battle in a huge war. Quiting initially makes your body go into withdrawl and physically hurts. But the real hard part is the test of time. No one beleives in the addict and that makes it even harder to stay sober. Lots of people are dying from these drugs and it seems that the police aren't doing enough to stop it. Nic uses for months and is buying and selling meth and the police don't even notice. Or, there is nothing that they can do about a person who look stoned on meth. In L.A. and San Fransico more than most other places the drugs are very present. It seems like all of the authorities are aware of the drug problems but don't have the power they need to stop it. There is even a place in L.A. that he talks about going to that is a needle exchange. You go there with your old used needles and they give you knew sterile ones. They know it is for drugs even asking what his drug of choice is. This seems like they are enabeling the addict. Using dirty needles is a risk they have to be willing to take to use. Having dirty needles could be the one thing keeping the addict from shooting up but since he can now exchange them for new ones he can shoot up littereally whenever he wants. So, I think that there shouldn't be these needle exchange places. Also, something should be done about the increasing and scary drug problem that we have in our counrty.

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