Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tweak response #1

The book that I chose for outside reading is called Tweak by Nic Sheff. It starts out with him talking about a girl that he used to date in high school talking about how his drug addiction, like I imagine is true for so many others, started in high school with weed and drinking. He was a great student and felt that after all of his hard work he deserved to smoke weed on ocassion. Then he talks about how he had been sober for 18 months straight before he just recently relasped. He then goes through his life day by day since he had relapsed often having flashbacks where you learn a lot about the other charecters and his life. He is addicted to mainly cystal meth, but also uses heroine, pills, and drinks heavily. He picks up dealing meth with his dealer to pay for his habit and talks about some of the horros of drugs. The part that is most interesting to me is how normal all of these things were to him. In poor places like places not far from deerfield addiction is a part of a lot of peoples lives. There is a nasty vicious circle that goes along with addiction. Eventually he would always end up stealing from friends and loved ones, often had nowhere to sleep becuase no one wanted to enable him, getting a job was very difficult and keeping one harder, and people like his girlfriend or only friend and drugdealer constantly pressuring him into using.


  1. This shows the effect that powerful drugs like heroin and crystal meth can have on a person. Even after a person sobers up for a while they still do not fully get the drugs out of their system. This causes the drug addicts to eventually go back to those powerful drugs, which then leads to them living a crummy life. It is all just one big cycle that does not end until either all the drugs are out of your system, or until they die.

  2. I agree, like I said in a more recent post, people who are drug addicts at any age but especially early are setting themselves up to have a bad life. It is hard to get a job when people know you used to be a junkie and you just have a bad reputation. Nic's parents don't trust him with anything, not that they should, but this makes him feel worse and contributes to the circle that makes him use more.
