Tuesday, October 12, 2010

School Drug Testing

In the Supreme Court case N.J. v T.L.O. it was stated that although some fourth ammendment rights are recognized, some parts are disolved since you are in school. I think that this is stupid and unfair towards the students. That's becuase I feel that they are shaping the laws that are already made so that they can basically do whatever they want legally. I think that it invades privacy and if someone had a drug problem their parents or gaurdians should notice. If they want they can drug test their own kid on their own but they don't need the school to make it a manditory part of extracuricular activities. Unless a kid is coming to practice high and hurting other people then the school shouldn't care if kids are using drugs. If that is the case then the coach or head of the team should notice and if she/he doesn't notice they still wont be the ones getting in trouble it would be the kid.
In a case where a 13 year old girl got stripped search in school becuase another student said that she had ibuprofen. This is so rediculous for a number of reasons. Firstly ibuprofen is a non-harmful pill it isn't like it was some hardcore drug that she could hurt herself using. Also, I don't know what the school was thinking when they thought it was ok to strip search her. I think that it is completely inapropritate and unnecesary especially in this case.

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