Monday, November 8, 2010

Clifford Boggess execution

There are a lot of people who say that the death penatly is a good solution to extreme crimes that jail doesn't justify. They say this without looking at the criminal as a person but as the crimes that they commited. The reason I think we watched this film was to get to know Clifford as a person before we see him get killed so we can realize everyone who is killed by the death penalty are people too who made a mistake. I still think that he deserved the death penatly even though there were a lot of signs that showed that he was a good person. He strudied the bible, was a devoted christian, admitted that he had done the crimes, and he doesn't seem like a danger to society. However none of these things matter. He killed the two victimes simply for money and he didn't seem like a threat to society when he commited the crimes. No matter how much anyone changes in prison or the size of a relization they have, they are still a danger to society if they could've received the death penalty. There were a lot of signs that showed that he was a danger to society. he didn't feel anything for the victims, he even kept a picture of one of their tombstones with him in his cell. He was sober and stomped on one of the mens face and chest. There are other things that show this too. It is cheaper for him to be killed instead of paying for his meals, him taking up a cell, and other costs associated with being a prisoner. Also, the woman who told police that he was the killer was scared for her life even moving every couple of months. Killing him was the only thing that could bring her peace of mind. Also, life in prison which would be the sentence that he would recieve if not on death row proves to be dangerous because the inmates have nothing to lose, he is clearly capeable of killing so why not kill a prison gaurd or another inmate. Also, he could escape, in the video there was a painting that he had and under it was a painting of the prison fence which was thought to be part of an escape plot. Some would argue that he is a value to society as a christian and as an artist. I say that he had his change in society which he messed up, and the ammount of good he can provide isn't even close to the amount of bad he has done, and can still do.

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