Wednesday, September 22, 2010

2010 core questions survey reflection

There were a lot of numbers in this poll that really suprised me. One is that in 2010 38% of the people asked said that they strongly agree that the constitution establishes a christian nation. This is suprising because I have never heard of this before and almost half of the people beleive that it is true. I don't know what they think promotes a christian nation more than any other religioun when in the first ammendment it states that you have the freedom of religoun. I find it interesting also that although 43% of the people aksed said that they strongly disagree that Public schools should be allowed to discipline students who use their own personal computers at home to post material that school officials say is offensive, people in our school have still gotten in trouble for pictures that have been posted on their facebook pages. Not only do they get in trouble for their non school related things, but the deans are actually going out of their way to look at peoples pictures and get them in trouble which I think is completely rediculous. One more thing that was shocking to me is that less than half of the people surveyed said that the constitution clearly seperated church and state. I thought that it made a clear seperation.

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