Tuesday, May 3, 2011


The article that I read today was about an older husband and wife who both took Lipitor. They received a message on the news saying if they got their drugs from certain pharmacies that they had to go exchange their drugs for new ones and his was one of the pharmacies mentioned. He had no idea what was wrong with the drugs the people working there said they didn't know and he just got new pills. Later he went on the FDA website and found out that the drugs that were in that bottle were something unknown. These Lipitor recalls started in 2003 and there have been over 18 million pills retruned and were fake. According to the real Lipitor company as many as 600,000 Americans may have taken the fake "Lipitor" and literally anything could be in them. There is a so called safety net that has existed and worked for years, impenitrable to any small time fake pill mover. However this clearly is a much bigger opperation. The holes in this safety net are due to people who are too preoccupied by price and are outsourcing and getting drugs from other countries. That is not to say there aren't fake drugs in U.S. there are a ton but it is much easier to sell them in other countries becuase of our drug policies.

Monday, May 2, 2011

fake drugs continued

Today I watched a video about a man named Frank who is in the European Union and he is aiming at taking the fake drugs off the market. He has a brain tumor and had a  98% chance of dying but he has been defying the odds for years. He konws that if he gets the wrong dosage and/or the wrong drug these are powerful drugs and he could die from that. Even when you buy your perscription drugs from the pharmacy there is still a 1% chance that it is not the real deal, if you order online it is a 1 in 2 chance of getting a fake drug. According to the WHO the World Health Organization a fake drug is defined as a drug made by anyone besides the actual manufacturer with the aim to fraud or deceive someone. Now the parliment is trying to shut down all of the bogus websites and increase the punishment for people caught selling them. People like Frank look at these fake drugs as attempted murder. Not only could he get too much but if he doesn't get enough he could die too. There are millions if not billions of people who need medication that are at risk.